Good Friday

It is Good Friday so I’m at home. Bobo is out having coffee with a friend and I’m taking the opportunity to just "muck about" on the internet with my two machines at home. I know, how bourgeois. It has been commented that our dining room table more resembles the bridge of the Starship Enteprise …


We were woken by the telephone this morning (well, it was 9:15am). The Lewis family were on the line to let us know that Nigel is going to be gracing us with his presence. Its a bit of rush visit, apparently the local ratcatchers need some help from an "International Man of Tax" to sort …


It is another pleasant autumn afternoon in Sydney, the sky is blue and there are some light fluffy clouds about. The wind is, unfortunately, from the South East so that is keeping the temperature down to about twenty degrees centigrade. Still, a comfortable enough temperature to walk around in a t-shirt and shorts during the …


Well, perhaps evil is a string word, but collapse certainly does soak up time like a sponge. This game joins tetris and bubble puzzle as seemingly innocuous little game-ettes that will soon have you dreaming of coloured shapes. I’m sure there is some deep psychological point to be made here but I’m too busy playing …